Work with ParterreDesigns Studio to create your own bespoke design.

Custom design, either using a unique style for one of our existing products, or creating something entirely new, has never been easier.

Sometimes you know exactly what you want; a client has specified a hand-woven tea towel to match a selected decor element, such as cabinetry, wall paper, or an artistic theme.

Other times, a friend will compliment you on a Parterre product and say, "if only they made it in...", naming their favorite colors.

Alternatively, your design need will be truly unique, requiring research into materials, historic detaling or other aspects that are specific to you. We tackle them all!

Our design consultancy begins with a simple conversation and sometimes that's all it takes. We gather details until we are ready to create a sample for you. This is done in order to allow you to handle the fabric and see the product in your own surroundings. The design, including sizing, colors and thread type are all perfected before your final product is created. Costs of samples and design services are built into the products upon delivery.

“Gorgeous! These towels were a special order for a friend who loves red!

In person, the color is even prettier and both my friend and I are thrilled with the towels. I am so pleased to be able to find the perfect gift for a good buddy.” - Karen